Dysons has grown from humble beginnings to be one of Victoria's most diverse and successful family owned and operated brands.
The People
Driving Dysons
A bus company like Dysons is, at its heart, a people business.
From the people who have worked with the organisation for many years driving the buses, maintaining the fleet and organising the routes, to the millions who have been carried safely to their destinations in Dysons buses over more than six decades, people matter to Dysons.
Moving with the Times
"The first 50 years - From humble beginnings in 1952".
Read the Dyson story of how Laurie Dyson came to Australia from England at the age of 18, fought in WWII and at the age of 47 bought 4 "clapped out" buses to provide employment for his family...

70+ Years
Much has changed over the past 70+ years. But the important things haven't.
Today Dysons operate a large fleet of modern and well equipped buses and coaches for both metropolitan route services and charter coaches.
We are still a family run business proudly serving the communities we operate within, providing a modern, clean, friendly and reliable service to all our passengers.

After serving in WW2 English immigrant Laurie Dyson bought a bus business from his old boss who had recently passed away - four "clapped out buses, bits of bombs" as he later noted. The year was 1952 and Dysons was born as a company.
Over the years this family business served the people of Melbourne's north, starting in Reservoir and East Preston before spreading out to cover most of the northern and eastern suburbs.
During this time Dysons developed a reputation for delivering friendly and reliable service, and being a strong and active member of the local communities they served.