At LC. Dyson's Bus Services Pty Ltd (Dysons), we are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, contractors and visitors.
Our commitment to Occupational Health and Safety is Dysons core value. As such it is an integral part of our business strategy and supports our company objectives and targets for the provision of public and private bus and coach services.
We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, contractors and visitors by:
• Identifying and assessing hazards and implementing controls to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety.
• Providing appropriate training, supervision and resources to ensure everyone performs their work safely.
• Ensuring all equipment and facilities are maintained and operated in a safe and healthy manner.
We have a system in place that ensures we comply with ISO 45001 and all applicable legal and regulatory requirements relating to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Work Health and Safety (WHS).
We strive to continuously improve our safety management system by:
• Setting and reviewing safety objectives and targets to ensure we are meeting the needs of our employees, contractors, and visitors.
• Conducting regular audits and reviews of our safety management system to identify areas for improvement and implement corrective actions.
We encourage participation and consultation with employees and other stakeholders in the development and implementation of our safety management system.
We ensure all employees and contractors are aware of their roles and responsibilities in maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.
Our commitment to safety is underpinned by the following principles:
1. Safety is the core Dysons value
2. All injuries can be prevented
3. Management is accountable for creating and maintaining a safe workplace
4. We are all responsible for preventing injuries
5. Working safely is a condition of employment
These principles are integral to our business strategy and support our company objectives and targets.
We will continue to strive for excellence in- safety management and ensure that our employees, contractors and visitors are safe and healthy while at work